About me? Let’s talk about you.
One ordinary day when I was young, my ride was late, and I was asked to wait with the principal—a man popularly regarded as a strict disciplinarian and scary presence. When my ride arrived, the principal and I were deep in conversation. “Woof! The girl can talk,” he said. “Nothing but questions for the last hour.”
As I grew, social etiquette and self-awareness softened my proclivity to probe. Talking yielded to observation, and my curiosity found new life in creativity and exploration. This appetite for understanding is still what drives me today—to be a more thoughtful writer, empathetic designer, and caring human.
The way I see it, words give agency to ideas while design shapes the experience and impact of innovation.
In many cases, research is the foundation of both. How does this work? How does it feel? How might we improve the experience? By centering on human behavior, we can surface factors that enhance or hinder engagement, knowing that the viability of any endeavor can be improved with messaging, positioning, and design.
Like many people, I am happiest, scrappiest, and most satiated when working on projects I care about.
For this reason, I seek out companies that are up to cool things, an admittedly subjective criterion rooted in innovation and impact.
Social enterprises have shown that businesses needn’t be solely profit-focused to be successful, that cause-driven organizations needn’t be martyrs to have impact, and that sustainability can be more beneficial than growth.
I am idealistic, but I’m also a hard worker and understand that change takes time. Here’s what my co-workers have to say about who I am and how I work.
Visit my resume to see how my values play out in my work.